

软水器对每个人都有巨大的好处, 在水非常硬的地区尤为重要. We’ve come across quite a few myths about residential 水 treatment that some people believe. 杰克逊维尔的房主应该知道关于软水机的真相. 在这篇文章中,我们打破了八个不同的软水神话.

谣言. 1 -水软化剂会在水中放盐.

人们犯这种错误的原因很容易理解. 然而,你是 如果你在家里安装了软水器,喝盐水.

It’s true that you you’ll need 水 softener salts, but you shouldn’t taste salt in your 水. Water softeners use an ion exchange process to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium, 什么使水变硬.

储存在矿物罐中的特殊介质使这一过程成为可能. That media is charged with sodium ions, which replace the hard minerals in your 水. 所以加入水中的不是盐(NaCl)而是钠(Na).

观看关于 我们的软水器是如何工作的.

谣言. 软化水中的钠含量是不健康的.

How much sodium a 水 softener adds to your 水 depends on how hard your home’s 水 is in the first place.

话虽如此, the typical amount of sodium in softened 水 is too small to have any sort of negative impact on your health. 的 梅奥诊所 states on its website that “the added sodium shouldn’t be an issue for most healthy adults.”

请看下面的图表. 它比较了软化水和普通食物中的钠含量. 如你所见, soft 水 adds a small amount of sodium to your diet when compared to everything else we eat.

杰克逊维尔的软水机会往我的水里加钠或盐吗?  加了多少钠?

However, 不 everyone likes the taste of softened 水, but they don’t want to deal with 硬水问题 要么. 幸运的是,还有其他选择. You could separate the tap you use for drinking and cooking from your system while still getting the advantages of soft 水 for 清洁, 洗澡, 和洗衣.

更好的是,您可以安装 反渗透系统 to get pure and refreshing drinking 水 straight from a faucet at your sink.

我强烈推荐全佛罗里达软水. Dave was professional, responsive, flexible, and very pleasant to work with. He answered all my questions and was extremely knowledgeable in the products. ... 安装很快,克里斯做得很好! 围绕卓越的客户服务.阅读更多
佛罗里达的水有很多问题. 克里回答了我和我丈夫的许多问题. Very knowledgeable and willing to travel to install a system in our new Volusia County home. 高度... 推荐本公司.阅读更多
J H.
J H.
Shane was 伟大的 with the initial analysis and was able to confirm the ability to install the 水 softener in the house vs outside. 保罗来完成安装——准时,专业,... 他的工作很彻底. 在狭小的空间里装一个软水器并不容易, 但我对完成这项工作的尽职调查感到非常满意. 谢谢你们两位!!!阅读更多
优质的服务,优惠的价格.. Had chat with Shane for making the appointment and everything was really professional.Dalton who came for getting the system installed was very knowledgeable and... 是否能够及时整洁地完成所有的事情. 我一定会推荐这家公司的.阅读更多
我们刚搬到佛罗里达州东北部,被告知要与团队联系. From first phone call to install the team were friendly, informed and extremely nice to work with. 没有压力销售,他们让... 工作谈话本身. Would happily recommend to anyone considering them for your 水 softener阅读更多
Shane Brewer offered expert professional advice and thoroughly checked my old system and made recommendations to meet my needs. 他用一种我能理解的方式说着“水的东西”. 道尔顿把我的... 系统以及时、专业的方式解答所有问题. I would HIGHLY 推荐本公司 for my exterior 水 softening system. 不要给管道公司打电话. 这家公司将安装, 提供一个外部套筒,以保护免受元素, 如有需要,将提供服务. 我真希望我先给他们打电话! 谢谢你!!阅读更多

谣言. 3 -水软化剂净化水.

Water softeners are specifically designed to reduce the hardness of 水. 的y do an excellent job of removing minerals and metals that cause scale and create all sorts of household headaches.

然而,软水器并不能过滤掉所有的污染物. 这也是为什么你可能需要一个 反渗透系统 因为你的家庭实际消耗的水. You can also look in to other types of in-home filtration systems to deal with iron and sulfur issues.

We like to remind people that “sometimes you need to get good 水 before you can have 伟大的 水.”

谣言. 水软化会带走健康的矿物质.

When some people hear how 水 softeners remove calcium and minerals they think the softening process is taking away important nutrients. 毕竟,钙和镁有益于骨骼健康.

事实是硬水中的钙和镁沉积物 无机矿物, which don’t provide the same benefits as obtaining minerals from food or supplements. 的 calcium and magnesium in hard 水 can不 be easily absorbed by the cells in your body.

植物能把无机物转化为有机物, 这就是为什么你需要吃蔬菜吗, 但喝硬水对在饮食中添加矿物质没有多大帮助.

谣言. 软水在皮肤上留下一层薄膜.

Some people 不ice a different feeling on their skin when they first shower in soft 水. 它摸起来很滑,有些人甚至会说它黏糊糊的.

This is 不 a film being left behind on your skin, and it isn’t soap that 做n’t wash away 要么. 事实上,恰恰相反. 当你有硬水时 把肥皂渣留在皮肤上. What you 不ice after 在硬水里洗澡 is 不 a sign you’re “squeaky clean,但是相反, 你身上覆盖着一层粘稠的残留物.

的 slickness on your skin when you bathe in soft 水 is actually your body’s natural essential oils. 这才是干净的感觉! Think of it as having silky smooth skin instead of sticky soap scum skin.

在我们的文章中了解更多 在硬水里洗澡

谣言. 水软化剂浪费水和能源.

It’s true that some 水 softeners can waste 水 and salt during the regeneration process. This is a cycle your system goes through to re-charge the media with sodium ions.

今天,有一些高效率的模型可供房主使用. 例如,水权开发了独特的 技术 称为W.E.T. (Water Efficient Technology) available on their Evolve® and WaterCare® products, which help save money and energy by learning your home’s 水 needs and using only the amount of 水 and salt that’s necessary for regeneration.

家用过滤系统也可以通过其他方式保护环境. 软水的清洁效率更高, that means you’ll use less detergent and chemical-filled 清洁 products, 从而减少水污染.

Plus, when you have a 反渗透系统, you can stop buying 水 in plastic bottles. 瓶装水的环境影响是巨大的!

谣言. 水软化剂要花很多钱.

在家里安装软水器需要一笔初始投资. However, it will save you quite a bit of your hard earned money in the long run.

是的, 你的软水器要用电, 你得买盐, 而且它有时也需要维修. 但实际上,软水器能让你赚更多的钱.

也许最大的节省来自你的热水器. 的se appliances operate much better on soft 水 while hard 水 makes them inefficient and forces you to run the 水 heater at a higher temperature. That’s one way a 水 softener will lower your utility bills while extending the life of appliances.

软水器也能让其他电器运行得更久. Soft 水 reduces the amount of 洗衣 detergent you use to clean clothes by more than 50-percent, 防止颜色褪色.

了解水质协会(WQA)的其他节约措施 软化水效益研究.

谣言. 如果你用的是城市供水,你就不需要软水机了.

这可能是最大的误解之一. Water softeners are most-commonly found in homes where there is a private well using ground 水. 在这种情况下,水几乎总是需要软化.

然而,市政用水很少是完美的水. In fact, more than 80-percent of all homes in the United States have hard 水. 每个城市的水质都不一样. 如果你对家里的水不满意——不管它是喝的, 清洁, 洗衣, or 洗澡 – there are things you can do that will provide an effective solution.


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